The theme of our second meeting was "Challenges in Biology - Big Data and Ethics". We looked into the latest advances in plant biology and the ethical issues that arise with its fast development.
Plants and People 2013 took place on June 18-19th. To find more about about it, please have a look at our Programme and Abstract Booklet.
The conference was again organised by the PhD students of the MPI-MP with great support from many people.
Organising committee
Jessica Jüppner
Maximilian Fünfgeld
Phuong Anh Pham
Vinzenz Hofferek
Elmien Heyneke
Heike Sprenger
Organisational support:
Dr. Ina Talke, IMPRS 'Primary Metabolism and Plant Growth'
Birgit Schäfer, MPI-MP administration
Elisa Schulz and Jörn Lämke supported us during the inital phase of setting up the conference plan and programme.
Website support:
Marcus Thienert, web programmer, MPI-MP
Jan Scharein, developer online, MPI AEI
Poster design:
Frederik Dethloff and Han-Yi Fu
The Plants and People 2013 conference was financially supported by the Max Planck Society and the doctoral programme 'International Max Planck Research School – Primary Metabolism and Plant Growth' (IMPRS-PMPG). In addition, the following companies financially supported the conference: Conviron, New England BioLabs, PerkinElmer and Roboklon.